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Easter Message

Stake Presidency

Mar 31, 2024

Easter Message from the Stake Presidency.

Dear friends, this is a very special week.  We hope that each of us will take time to reflect on the greatest event the universe has ever witnessed.  Jesus Christ willingly left his throne to come to earth as a lowly infant, grew in wisdom and truth, and taught, loved, healed, served, and lived as nobody ever had, nor ever could.  He is the Son of God, and because of Him, death has no lasting sting.  The grave has no lasting victory.  Because of Him, we can be healed of all wounds, both seen and unseen.  Because of Him, we will live again, eternally as families, in love and light.  May each of us recognize that our only hope for lasting peace is to make it ALL about Jesus Christ.

-Yucaipa Stake Presidency

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